domingo, 21 de junho de 2015

Shrimp Moqueca

yield : 6-8 people
time preparation - 2-3h

2 onions
2 garlic cloves
2-3 green and red peppers (pimentão) - the colors you want
8 tomatoes
1 coconut milk can
2 lb (907g) medium size shrimp - cooked and clean without tail
2-3 tablespoon azeite de dendê (Brazilian supermarket)
black pepper
red pepper
2 lemons
Cassava flour (farinha de mandioca) (Brazilian supermarket)
3 cups rice

1. Season shrimp with salt, lemon and black and red peppers ( I used 1 tablespoon + 1/4 teaspoon  salt; 1/2 teaspoon black pepper). Reserve.
2. Fry garlic, onions and cook for a while. Add green/red peppers, tomatoes and salt. Let them cook until they get soft. Add azeite de dende and coconut milk and keep cooking. Total time for this step is at least 1 hour.
3.  Add shrimps, cilantro and parsley and cook for 10 minutes or until they are tender. Don't cook too much the shrimps, otherwise they can get hard.
4. Serve with cassava flour and rice.


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